Hyperthyroidism is a condition of overactive thyroid function, leading to excessive production of thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and/or thyroxine (T4). As thyroid hormones control several body functions, including metabolism, this excess causes extra stimulation which speeds up some body systems.
Thyrotoxicosis is used to describe hyperthyroidism which is presenting symptoms (is symptomatic).
Hyperthyroidism Causes
Common causes of hyperthyroidism in adults include:

- Diffuse Toxic Goitre (Grave’s Disease)-Over activity of the entire thyroid gland caused by antibodies in the blood which stimulate the thyroid to grow and secrete excessive amounts of thyroid hormone
- Toxic Adenoma (“hot nodule”)-A dominant thyroid nodule, or lump, is overactive and secretes excess thyroid hormone
- Toxic Multinodular Goitre (Plummer’s Disease)-One or more nodules or lumps in the thyroid becomes overactive
- Sub acute Thyroiditis-Hyperthyroid phase of sub acute thyroiditis, caused by viral infection or post-partum inflammatory process
- Due to thyroid inflammation, excess hormone is released into the blood circulation
- Drug-Induced Hyperthyroidism-Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism: older population, typically in setting of pre-existing non-toxic nodular goitre ,amiodarone (Cordarone) ,Iodine-containing contrast material used in radiology studies

Hyperthyroidism Symptoms
Symptoms and their severity depend on duration and extent of thyroid hormone excess, and the age of the patient. Individuals may experience:
- Nervousness and irritability
- Palpitations and tachycardia
- Heat intolerance or increased sweating
- Tremor
- Weight loss or gain

- Increase in appetite
- Frequent bowel movements or diarrhoea
- Lower leg swelling
- Sudden paralysis
- Shortness of breath with exertion
- Decreased menstrual flow
- Impaired fertility
- Sleep disturbances (including insomnia)
- Changes in vision
- Photophobia, or light sensitivity
- Eye irritation with excess tears
- Diplopia, or double vision
- Exophthalmia, or forward protrusion of the eyeball
- Fatigue and muscle weakness
- Thyroid enlargement
- Pretibial myxedem a (fluid build-up in the tissues about the shin bone; may be seen with Grave’s disease)
Homeopathy Treatment for Hyperthyroidism
Usually in conventional treatment they prescribe medicines to reduce the thyroid hormone level. In Homeo medicines we usually treat the patients under symptoms similarity. So Symptomatic homeopathy medicines act best in hyperthyroidism with out any side effect.
Whom to contact for Hyperthyroidism Treatment
Vivekanantha Clinic Doctors treats many cases of Thyroid problems and goiter with successful results. Many patients get relief after taking treatment from Vivekanantha Clinic. You can meet the Doctors at Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment please call 9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to consult.ur.dr@gmail.com,
For more details & Consultation Feel free to contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers
Chennai:- 9786901830
Pondicherry:- 9865212055
Panruti:- 9443054168
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