Work related issues Psychological Counseling Clinic, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil nadu,
February 21st, 2015 by Dr.Senthil Kumar



 works stress counseling in velachery chennai tamilnadu, velai palu வேலை மன அழுத்தம், வேலை பளு,



On average we spend almost a quarter of our adult life at work. It can give us a sense of purpose, structure and satisfaction—and enables us to finance our daily living. Sometimes however, work can cause stress and frustration and our health and self-esteem suffers.


Work related stress accounts for six million days of sick leave each year and can be a cause of despair, work related problems can also undermine our relationships.


Sometimes, established earlier roles such as being overlooked or being a scapegoat can re-emerge in the workplace leaving us feeling powerless and doomed to failure as we succumb again, in a different setting. Sometimes such feelings are overwhelming and can limit us from realising our full potential.



  • Dread of going to work
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Poor work/life balance
  • Headaches or muscular tension
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unable to plan
  • Inability to sleep / loss of concentration
  • Bullying or being bullied
  • Using alcohol to de-stress after work


Often at work we re-enact earlier patterns and find ourselves locked in certain ways of behaving. The beliefs we hold about ourselves can put us under extreme pressure in the workplace. If we need to please others or to be perfect we may be susceptible to stress, and unable to protect ourselves in the face of deadlines and targets.


If you are loosing sleep, frequently dreading work, starting to drink heavily or noticing repeating problem patterns it may be time to go for counselling.


Dr.Senthil Kumar is a counselling psychologist and he can help you understand the issues causing the stress, unravel patterns of relating to people, and explore how to deal with things differently, helping towards a fulfilling more stress-free career.




Whom to contact for Work Stress Counseling & Treatment

Dr. Senthil Kumar is well experienced Homeopath & Psychologist who treats many cases such Work Stress problems  with successful outcomes. Many of the clients get relief after Taking treatment & attending psychological counseling with him. Dr. Senthil Kumar visits Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic & Psychological Counseling Center, Velachery, Chennai. To fix an appointment, please call or mail us:



Vivekanantha Clinic & Psychological Counseling Center, at

Chennai:- 9786901830

Panruti:- 9443054168

Pondicherry:- 9865212055 (Camp)

Mail :,


For appointment please Call us or Mail Us


For appointment: SMS your Name -Age – Mobile Number – Problem in Single word – date and day – Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini – 99xxxxxxx0 – Work Stress, velai palu, வேலை பளு, No Job Satisfaction – 21st Oct, Sunday – Chennai), You will receive Appointment details through SMS.



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