5 Scientific Facts About Vagina.
Orgasm: Odds Improve With Clitoral Stimulation In one study, nearly twice as many women were able to orgasm during intercourse if their clitoris was stimulated alongside penetration.
The Hymen: Isn’t Always Intact A person’s hymen may or may not remain intact, until their first vaginal intercourse. A variety of non-sexual activities can cause the hymen to tear or stretch, like sports or injuries, so the presence of an intact hymen isn’t a reliable indicator of virginity.
Frequent Sex Doesn’t Cause Vaginal Looseness, Contrary to popular belief, frequent sex does not lead to a “loose” vagina.
The vagina: is an amazingly strong and elastic muscular canal which can stretch and then return to its previous size.
The G-Spot: Remains Elusive Despite its popular description, there’s no conclusive evidence of a specific G “spot”. It’s more likely that it’s a G “area” that’s part of a larger nerve network linked to the clitoris, not a separate structure.
Vaginal Depth VS Penis Length: The average vaginal depth is slightly shorter than the average penis length, which may explain why many women report that penile girth (rather than length) plays a greater role in their sexual satisfaction.
Dr Senthil Kumar D
Consulting Homeopath & Psychologist,
Relationship & Intimacy Coach,
Vivekananda Homeopathy Clinic & Psychological Counseling Center,
Center for Pre Marital, Post Marital, Personal, Individual, Intimacy counseling,
94430 54168 // 9786901830
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